Recipe ~ Brussels Sprouts / Radish Vegetables

3rd Jun 2019

Enjoy the following recipe for making preserved vegetables in your Ohio Stoneware crock.

To prepare fresh vegetables for lactic preservation, always wash in plenty of running water, remove non-edible parts, such as, stems and seeds, and peel or trim as desired. This process should only take about 30 minutes for preparation. 


  • 3 dozen Brussels Sprouts
  • 3 dozen Red Radishes
  • 1 medium Onion (Preferably Red)
  • Brine of 3 tablespoons Salt Dissolved in 4 cups Water (Non-Chlorinated)


  1. Cut the Brussels Sprouts in half lengthwise, so the halves don't fall apart.
  2. Slice the radishes in ¼" thick rings.
  3. Slice the onion in half from top to bottom, and then slice each half into ⅛" thin slices.
  4. Place all ingredients into the Ohio Stoneware crock.
  5. Dissolve the salt into the water, and pour over the vegetables.
  6. Compact the vegetables, but if you can't get the liquid to rise above the vegetables, let them sit for another hour. If that fails to assist in rising the liquid, just add a little more brine.
  7. Place the weights on top of the vegetables to continue pressure, and let them sit 4-5 hours. 
  8. Pour off the brine into a container and save. 
  9. Now pour about a cup of the brine back into the crock. If this does not cover the vegetables, add water. 
  10. Place the weights back on top of the vegetables, and cover with the crock cover.
  11. As it ferments, taste daily to decide when the taste is right for you. Expect about 7 days.